Plenary Sessions
Tim McDonald | Big Data in Forestry Big Problems? | Presentation |
Brian Roth | The Cooperative Forestry Research Unit | Presentation |
Wendy Farrand | Loggers for the Future | Presentation |
Joe Conrad | Review of Logging Business Characteristics: Comparisons across time and Between Regions | Presentation |
Concurrent Sessions
Neila Cole | Analyzing Characteristics of Log Truck Accidents in the United States | Presentation | |
Jean-Francois Gingras | FPInnovations’ Forest-2-User 4.0 Initiative | Presentation | |
Ryer M. Becker | Use of LiDAR and simulation modeling to characterize alternative steep slope harvest system options in the Inland Northwest | Presentation | |
Pat Sirois | Maine’s Progress in Logger Training and BMP Administration | Presentation | |
Robert F. Keefe | Real-time location sharing for forest operations: where we’ve been and where we’re going | Presentation | |
Han Sup Han | Productivity and Cost of Cut to Length Thinning in Northern California Redwood Forests | Presentation | |
Chandler L. Dangle | Analysis of Upgraded Forestry BMPs for Stream Crossings in Virginia | Presentation | |
Ben Matthews | Getting the Fish up the Stream in Maine: the TNC’s fish Restoration Program | Presentation | |
Lloyd C. Irland | Value Engineering for Stream Protection and restoration: Challenges in the Maine woods | Presentation | |
Keith M. Coulter | Got Salmon? Harvesting old growth within a major Alaskan salmon fishery | Presentation | |
Han Sup Han | Impacts on soils and residual trees from cut to length thinning operations in California's Redwood forests. | Presentation | |
Anil Koirala | Improving Maine’s forest products trucking enterprises: A qualitative study approach | Presentation | |
Jason D. Thompson | Alternative Trailer Configurations for Maximizing Payloads | Presentation | |
Marissa “Jo” Daniel | Utilization of Phone App Technology to Monitor Log Truck Movement | Presentation | |
Jon Lancaster | Whole Tree Transportation System for Timber Processing Depots | Presentation | |
Michel Soucy | Work productivity of using a clearing saw designed for top spacing in a delayed precommercial thinning context: a case study | Presentation | Supplemental Info |
Preston Green | “Steep-Slope Logging Research: Eye Movement Tracking to Grapple Yarding, Collaboration for a Safer Work Environment” | Presentation | |
John Klepac | Evaluation of a Tracked Feller-Buncher Harvesting Plantation Loblolly Pine | Presentation | |
Rafael Santiago | Coppicing Evaluation in the Southeast of the U.S. to Determine Harvesting Methods for Bioenergy Production | Presentation | |
Eunjai Lee | Production of sawdust-type wood chips from stem-wood residues | Presentation | |
Mathew Smidt | Biomass chipping for eastern redcedar control | Presentation | |
Dana Mitchell | Biomass Removal Study on the George Washington National Forest | Presentation | |
Beth Dodson | Forest Bioenergy and Biofuels Integration: Sustainability, Energy Balance and Emissions from Forest Restoration in the Southern Rocky Mountains | Presentation |
Download the 2017 Meeting proceedings with full papers of selected presentations