- Meeting in North Tahoe, Kings Beach, California
Index of Papers
- Acuna, Mauricio; Murphy, Glen; Rombouts, Jan
Determining Radiata Pine Tree Value and Log Product Yields Using Terrestrial LiDAR and Optimal Bucking in South Australia.
- Amishev, Dzhamal Y.; Murphy, Glen E.
Using Acoustic Technology as a Means for Improving the Economics of Fuel Reduction Operations through an Integrated Value-Adding Approach.
- Ampoorter, E.; Verheyen, K.; Hermy, M.
Soil Damage After Skidding: Results of a Meta-analysis. Aruga, Kazuhiro; Tasaka,Toshiaki; Nishikawa, Akira & Yamasaki, Toshihiko. Development of a New Operation System With Carriages for Turn Back Yarding System.
- Baker, Shawn; Cass, Randy; Greene, Dale
Product Sorting Impacts on Cost and Productivity of Tree-length Logging Operations.
- Barrett, Scott M.; Aust, W. Michael; Bolding, M. Chad
Potential Impacts of Biomass Harvesting on Forest Resource Sustainability.
- Bilek, E.M. (Ted)
Machine Cost Analysis Using the Traditional Machine-Rate Method and ChargeOut!
- Chung, Woodam; Jones, Greg; Sullivan, Janet; Aracena, Pablo
Developing a Decision Support System to Optimize Spatial and Temporal Fuel Treatments at a Landscape Scale.
- Conrad, Joseph L. & Bolding, M. Chad
The Benefits and Consequences of a Vibrant Wood-to-Energy Market.
- Dodson, Beth
Transportation of Woody Biomass Using Roll-Off Containers.
- Drolet, Steve; LeBel, Luc
Developing Managerial Behaviours and the Indispensable Information to Do So: a Double Challenge for Forest Entrepreneurs.
- Dykstra, Dennis; Hartsough, Bruce; Stokes, Bryce
Updating FRCS, the Fuel Reduction Cost Simulator, for National Biomass Assessments.
- Efta, James (Andy); Chung, Woodam
A Methodology for Implementing Best Management Practices using WEPP:Road Erosion Modeling and a Simulated Annealing Algorithm.
- Fairbrother, Simon; Visser, Rien; McGregor, Robert
Forest Road Pavement Design in New Zealand.
- Garland, John J.; Rummer, Robert
Understanding the Hazards of Thrown Objects: Incidents, Research and Resolutions.
- Guimier, Daniel; Favreau, Jean
FPInnovations – Maximizing value from the forest.
- Han, Han-Sup; Bilek, Ted; Dramm, Rusty; Loeffler, Dan; Calkin, David
Financial feasibility of a log sort yard handling small-diameter logs.
- Harrill, Hunter; Han, Han-Sup; Pan, Fei
Application of Hook-lift Trucks in Centralized Slash Grinding Operations.
- Harrill, Hunter; Han, Han-Sup; Pan, Fei
Combining slash bundling with in-woods grinding operations.
- Hemphill, Dallas C.
Developments in Log-Making in New Zealand.
- Meadows, Steven; Gallagher, Tom
Optimizing the Use of a John Deere Bundling Unit in a Southern Logging System.
- Mitchell, Dana
Stump Harvesting.
- Moldenhauera, Matthew C.; Bolding, M. Chad
Identifying Loggers’ Reactions and Priorities in an Increasingly Fragmented Landscape.
- Nose, Mitsuhiro
The estimation of carbon emissions from harvested wood products in Japan
-Application of a new approach for appropriate forestry- - O’Neal, Brandon; Gallagher, Tom
Production for a Biomass Harvesting System in Pine.
- Pertlik, Ewald
Do Synthetic Ropes change the design principles of standing skylines?
- Saito, Masashi; Goshima, Masahiro; Aruga, Kazuhiro; Matsue, Keigo; Shuin, Yasuhiro; Tasaka, Toshiaki
The Study of the Automatic Forest Road Design Technique Considering Shallow Landslides with Lidar Data of the Funyu Experimental Forest.
- Smidt, Mathew; Tufts, Robert; Gallagher, Thomas
Stump to mill logging cost program (STOMP).
- Stampfer, Karl; Leitner, Thomas; Visser, Rien
Efficiency and ergonomic benefits of using radio controlled chokers in cable yarding.
- Suzuki, Yasushi; Hatano, Youko; Murakami, Shinpei; Okazawa, Tomoe; Sagayama, Shouji; Gotou, Jun’ichi; Ichihar, Takashi; Miyoshi, Kazuhiro
Harvesting and Transportation of Logging Residue Logs Accumulated Along Road Side for Woody Biomass Plant in a Local Community.
- Venn, Tyron J.; Chung, Woodam; Loeffler, Daniel R.; Jones, J. Greg; Han,Han-Sup; Calkin, David E.
Assessment of the Potential for Log Sort Yards to Facilitate Forest Health Restoration and Fuel Reduction Treatments.
- Visser, Rien; Spinelli, Raffaele; Stampfer, Karl
Integrating biomass recovery operations into commercial timber harvesting: the New Zealand situation.
- Visser, Rien; Spinelli, Raffaele; Saathof, Jacob; Fairbrother, Simon
Finding the ‘Sweet-Spot’ of Mechanised Felling Machines.
- Vitorelo, Brian; Han, Han-Sup; Varner IIIJ., Morgan
Masticators for fuel reduction treatment: equipment options, effectiveness, costs, and environmental impacts.
- Wang, Jingxin; LeDoux, Chris; Goff, William
Effects of Soil Compaction on Individual Tree Growth in the Central Appalachian Hardwood Forest Region.
- York, Robert A.; Nakamura, Gary; Battles, John J.
Influence of regeneration method on soil strength in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest.
- Yoshimura, Tetsuhiko; Nose, Mitsuhiro
Estimating the Amount of Available Forest Biomass Using System Dynamics.