Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, June 16-20, 2002
Index of Papers:
Appt, Jeremy; Skaugset, Arne; Pyles, Marvin; Wing, Michael G. Discriminating Between Landslide Sites and Potentially Unstable Terrain Using Topographic Variables.
Aulerich, Ed. Challenges, Rewards, and Requirements for Working Globally
Bigot, Maryse; Cacot, Emmanuel. Why and How Should French Foresters Face the Question of Site Disturbances in Logging Operations?
Bolding, M. Chad; Lanford, Bobby L. Productivity of a Ponsse Ergo Harvester Working on Steep Terrain
Brown, Mark; Guimier, Daniel; Mercier, Steve; Provencher, Yves; Turcotte, Pierre. MultiDAT and Opti-Grade: Two Knowledge-Based Electronic Solutions for Managing Forestry Operations More Efficiently.
Christopher, Ed; Visser, Rien. Southeastern State BMP Monitoring Needs.
Chumbler, James C.; Mayo, Jefferson H.; Greene, W. Dale; Clutter, Michael L.; deHoop, C.F.; Egan, Andy F. Benchmarking the Performance of Logging Crews Using Stochastic Frontier Analysis.
Chung, Woodam; Sessions, John. Optimization of Cable Logging Layout Using a Heuristic Algorithm for Network Programming.
Coulter, Elizabeth Dodson; Coulter, Keith; Mason, Tad. Dry Forest Mechanized Fuels Treatment Trials Project.
Coulter, Elizabeth Dodson; Skaugset, Arne; Coakley, Jim; Sessions, John. Sedimentation Risk From a Road Network in Western Oregon.
deHoop, Cornelis F.; Egan, Andy F.; Greene, W. Dale; Mayo, Jefferson H. Profiles of Loggers and Logging Companies in Maine and the Southern States.
Dimitris, Athanassiadis. Life Cycle Assessment and Environmental Product Declaration of Forestry Related Products and Processes – A Way to Meet Environmental Objectives.
Dructer, Danny. Problems at Home – Can We Compete Globally?
Gallagher, Tom; Shaffer, Robert. Economic and Operational Feasibility of Short Rotation Hardwood Inventory.
Haynes, Hylton; Visser, Rien; Sloan, Hank. A Case Study on Cable Yarding for a Stream Habitat Treatment and the Utility of a “Roadside” Log Sale.
Kinard, Jonathan. The Effectiveness and Efficacy of the Alabama Professional Logging Manager Course.
Klepac, John; Rummer, Bob. Evaluation of a Shovel Logging System in the Gulf Coastal Plain.
Long, Charlie; Wang, Jingxin; McNeel, Joe; Baumgras, John. Production and Cost Analysis of a Feller-Buncher in Central Appalachian Hardwood Forest.
Marbet, C. Erica; Skaugset, Arne; Gilbert, Erin. Hydrology of Forest Roads in the Oregon Coast Range.
Martin, F. Marcos; Ortiz de la Torre, S. Villegas; Robredo, F. Garcia; Osado, I. Izquierdo; Castellano, J. Ruiz. Two Year-Rotation Plantations of Poplar Trees for Energy.
Mayo, Jefferson H.; Greene, W. Dale; Clutter, Michael L.; deHoop, Niels; Egan, Andy F. Causes and Costs of Unused Logging Production Capacity.
McDonagh, Kieran D.; Visser, Rien; Meller, Russell D.; Shaffer, Robert M.; McDonald, Timothy P. Systems Dynamics Simulation of Harvesting Systems.
McDonald, Tim; Rummer, Bob. Variation in Skidder Productivity Over Time During Timber Harvest.
Murakami, Etsuro. The Evolution of the Forest Logging Mechanization in Brazil – The Logging Mechanization Processes and Phases at Rigesa.
Rodgers, Brian; Visser, Rien; Shaffer, Robert; Gallagher, Tom. Opportunities for Increasing Productivity in the Industrial Wood Supply Chain through Improved Planning.
Rodgers, Brian F.; Visser, Rien; Shaffer, Bob. Current State of Planning and Communication of the Forest Industry: A Virginia Tech and WSRI Case Study.
Shrestha, Suraj Prasad; Lanford, Bobby L. Comparison of Timber Utilization Between A Tree-Length and An In-Wood Chipping Harvesting Operation.
Sinclair, Alex W.J. Improved Log Hauling Productivity.
Taylor, S.E.; Veal, M.W.; Grift, T.E.; McDonald, T.P.; Corley, F.W. Precision Forestry: Operational Tactics for Today and Tomorrow.
Thompson, Jason D. Productivity of Swing-to-Tree Harvesters Performing Thinnings in Natural Pine Hardwood Stands.
Ulmer, James R.; Mayo, Jefferson H.; Greene, W. Dale; Clutter, Michael L.; deHoop, Niels; Egan, Andy F. A “Misery Index” to Assess the Impact of Variations in Mill Demand on Logging Crew Production and Cost.
Valenzuela, Jorge; Balci, Hakan; McDonald, Tim. A Simulation-Based Optimization Model For Planning Forest Operations.
Vanderberg, Mike; Wang, Jingxin; McNeel, Joe; LeDoux, Chris. Hardwood Log Damage and Degrade Occurring During Harvesting Operations in Central Appalachia.
Veal, Matthew W.; Taylor, Steven E.; Rummer, Robert B.; Raper, Randy L. Evaluation of Site Preparation Plow Energy Requirements.
Visser, Rien; Adams, Jeffrey. Risk Management of Steep Terrain Harvesting.
Winter, Andrew. Commercial Forestry Operations at the Urban Interface – Forest Harvesting in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Winter, Mario Eugenio Lobato; Vieira, Germano Aguiar. Forestry Harvesting Mechanization in Mountainous Areas in Brazil. CENIBRA Experience.
Zweede, Johan; Blate, Geoffrey; Merry, Frank; Silva, Natalino. Forest Management and Reduced Impact Logging Training in the Amazon: The Fundacao Floresta Tropical.