January 14, 2021  –  Zoom Live Presentation

WR.COFE is a regional chapter (western United States and British Columbia) of the COUNCIL ON FOREST ENGINEERING (COFE).  COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education in order to promote the best methods of managing and operating forests, both private and public.  COFE serves the forestry profession by disseminating technical information about forest engineering.

Schedule of Presentations  –  Note all times Pacific Standard Time

0815 – 0830    Introduction and announcements  /  Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department

0830 – 0915     Timber Faller, Rigging Crew and Operator Safety and Health with Tethered Logging Systems and OROSHA Variance Data /  Dr. John J. Garland, PE. Consulting Forest Engineer, Professor Emeritus, FERM, Oregon State University, Affiliate Professor, Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center, UW

0915 – 1000    Geotechnical applications in WA State  /  Ted Turner

Technological Advancements

1000 – 1045     Energy Absorbing Cab guards  /  Kevin Lyons Oregon State University

1045 – 1130    Machine Vision Systems  /  Lisa Ball USFS

1130 – 1230    Break

Afternoon Concurrent Session

Tethered Logging Updates

1230 – 1315

Tethered Logging Study

Austin Finster –

Oregon State University

Managing Cable Tensions

Bruce Skurdahl – Summit Equipment






1315 – 1400

Surfacing Forest Roads when aggregate is expensive

Kevin Lyons OSU

Deadman anchoring design for cable logging: a new approach

Francisca Belart, Assistant Professor and Timber Harvesting Extension Specialist 

1315 – 1400

Towed Grader

Steve Pilkerton

Survey of Harvesting Systems in New Zealand

Hunter Harrill – Humboldt State university

1400 – 1430


1430 – 1515

Electric Log Truck

John Sessions

Splicing / Cable design

Brian Tuor

1515 – 1600


Ken Hoffine

NZ Logger

Brain Spindler

Professional Credits

(To be determined-Reg Credits Oregon Professional Logger Program)

(To be determined – Washington Master Loggers Program Credits)

(5.0 Cat 1 Contact Hours SAF Continuing Forestry Ed Credits)


Registration and Fees

Registration is now handled through the Western Forestry and Conservation.

The fee for this conference is $90. This includes a one year membership in The Council on Forest Engineering

Please go to Westernforestry.org, click on the WR COFE link to register.

If you have difficulty with the registration webpage or any questions regarding registration please contact:


Western Forestry and Conservation

4033 SW Canyon Road, Portland, OR 97221

Phone: (503) 226-4562