The International Journal of Forest Engineering (IJFE) is dedicated to the dissemination of scholarly writings in all aspects of forest operations, both empirical and theoretical. Most published articles are original research, but review articles are also welcome.
An important role of the IJFE is to report on existing practices and innovations in forest operations by scientists and professionals from around the world to promote environmentally sound forestry practices and contribute to sustainable forest management.
The scope applies to all kinds of forest management (e.g. short and long rotation; uneven-aged and even-aged) and all uses of the forest biomass (e.g. lumber, pulp and paper, energy and other uses). The journal will include articles related to production and supply of forest biomass to industry or other users, but excludes typically the industrial manufacturing processes (e.g. sawmilling and combustion).
Examples of topics typically covered by the IJFE are:
- tree harvesting, processing and transportation
- stand establishment, protection and tending
- operations planning, management and control
- machine design, management and evaluation
- forest access planning and construction
- human factors engineering
- education and training
Due to the booming interest in using forest biomass for energy purposes, the IJFE especially welcomes papers addressing such issues.
International Journal of Forest Engineering (IJFE) continues to develop and grow with a new publishing partnership between the Forest Products Society and the well-renowned scientific publisher Taylor & Francis. Beginning Volume 24 Issue 1 in 2013, Taylor & Francis will publish and distribute IJFE as well as administer institutional subscriptions.
The partnership is a positive step for both parties creating greater exposure and reach for IJFE through more marketing, an enhanced online presence and wider distribution networks.
The new partnership has also resulted in a new website ( The old website is still active, but will be closed down eventually.
The IJFE has been refreshed with a new cover and layout of articles. Another major change is that the journal will be published online three times per year, and will be bound in one printed volume at the end of each year. This will give more value for subscribers and faster publication for authors. Naturally, articles will continue to be published online as “in press”, as soon as they are available. Another new and long-wanted improvement is that all articles will be provided with permanent digital object identifiers (DOI-numbers), which will improve article visibility through easier indexing.
For authors, the publishing partnership is very good news since it has turned IJFE into relying on subscriptions only. Thus, the temporary abandoning of publishing fees for 2012 will be permanent! Authors should also notice that the partnership has resulted in slightly changed instructions for how to prepare manuscripts that are submitted to the journal. The partnership will also result in that IJFE eventually will get an on-line subscription system. However, until then the manuscript handling will remain unaltered, with all manuscripts going by e-mail directly to the editor website .
IJFE will strengthen its position as the number one choice for dissemination of top class research inall aspects of forest operations!
Editor: Ola Lindroos, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
Editorial Board:
- Dennis P Dykstra, United States
- Reino Pulkki, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
- Marvin Pyles, Oregon State University, Corvallis, United States
- Robert Rummer, USDA Forest Service, Auburn University, United States
- Masami Shiba, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- Lihai Wang, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, China
- Jeremy Rickards, University of New Brunswick, Fredricton, Canada
- Cornelis F de Hoop, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, United States
- Jorge Malinovski, Federal University of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil
- Kevin Lyons, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- Mark Brown, University of the Sunshine Coast CRC for Forestry, Australia
- Antti Asikainen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu, Finland
- Rolf Björheden, Skogforsk, Uppsala, Sweden
- Bo Dahlin, University of Helsinki, Helsinki
- Robert A Douglas, Golder Associates, Toronto, Canada
- Paul Efthymiou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Daniel Guimier, FP Innovations, Pointe Claire, Canada
- Bostjan Kosir, Slovenian Forest Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Raymond Yong, McGill University, Montreal, Canada