Auburn University

August 1 – August 4, 2021 (all times are Central)


Sunday, August 1 – Mary Olive Thomas tract

6:00 – 9:00         Ice-breaker social, spouses welcome


Monday, August 2 – Field trip – departure location to be determined

8:00 am                We will visit three operations, likely a Southern thinning operation, a clearcut operation with a processing head, and a mulching operation that produces biomass.  Box lunch will be provided.  Plan is to return by 5 pm.  Hardhats will be provided.  Supper that evening is on your own.


Tuesday, August 3 – School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building on campus

8:00 am              Welcome – Janaki Alavatapati, Dean, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences; Tom Gallagher, meeting Chair

8:30 am              Keynote Speaker – Richard Lawler, Director, Forestry Production Systems and Strategy, John Deere – Smart technologies and how they can apply to forest harvesting equipment.


9:30 – 10:00        Break


10:00 – 10:20     Dana Mitchell, Project Leader, US Forest Service, Auburn, AL – Opportunities for acoustic technologies in the wood supply; Mitchell D., M. Smidt, M. Musah and B. Via.   

10:20 – 10:40     Mathew Smidt, Research Engineer, US Forest Service, Auburn – Forestry sector employment, wage and safety data from public sources in the USA.

10:40 – 11:00     Beth Dodson, Professor, University of Montana and Charlie Blinn, Professor, University of Minnesota – Persistent changes to forest operations course instruction post-covid.  

11:00 – 11:20     Patrick Hiesl, Asst. Professor, Clemson – Using case studies as a teaching tool to build leadership skills.

11:20 – 11:40     Manisha Parajuli, Graduate student, Clemson, Patrick Hiesl, Assistant Professor, Clemson, Mathew Smidt, Research Engineer, US Forest Service, Auburn, AL, and Dana Mitchell, Project Leader, US Forest Service, Auburn, AL – Decision support tool for biomass harvesting in forest restoration efforts.

11:40 – 12:00     Arjun Rijal, Graduate student, Auburn – Evaluating the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for assessing forestry best management practices; Arjun Rijal, Richard Cristan and Tom Gallagher.


12:00 – 1:00       Lunch


1:00 – 1:20         Brent Hawks, Graduate student, Virginia Tech – Forestry best management practice implementation and erosion rates by state and regulatory approach in the Southeastern United States; Hawks, B.S., Bolding, M.C., Aust, W.M., Barrett, S.M., and Fielding, J.A.H.

1:20 – 1:40         Austin Garren, Graduate student, Virginia Tech – Evaluating the productivity and costs of five energywood harvesting operations in the lower mid-Atlantic region of the US; Garren, A.M., M.C. Bolding, W.M. Aust, S.M. Barrett, and T.A. Coates

1:40 – 2:00         Luke Chasuk, Graduate student, Auburn – Evaluating the productivity and costs of three energywood harvesting operations in the southeastern region of the US; Luke Chasuk, Tom Gallagher, Richard Cristan, Dana Mitchell, Jo Daniels.

2:00 – 2:20         Libin T. Louis, Graduate student, UMaine – Biomass harvesting amidst market and policy constraints: perspectives of foresters and loggers in the Northeastern United States; Libin T. Louis, Adam Daigneualt, Anil Raj Kizha

2:20 – 2:40         Xufeng Zhang, Graduate student, West Virginia – Quantifying the life cycle impacts of forest logging residue logistics; Xufeng Zhang, Jingxin Wang and John Vance, Center for Sustainable Biomaterials & Bioenergy, West Virginia University. 

2:40 – 3:00         Wanhe Hu, Graduate student, West Virginia – Characterization of forest logging residues for utilization of bioenergy and bioproducts in the Eastern United States; Wanhe Hu, Jingxin Wang, Xufeng Zhang, William Smith and John Vance, Center for Sustainable Biomaterials & Bioenergy, West Virginia University.


3:00 – 3:20         Break – School Conference Hall


3:20 – 3:40         Joe Conrad, Assistant Professor, Georgia – Stakeholder perceptions of potential weight limit increases in Georgia.

3:40 – 4:00         Joe Conrad, Assistant Professor, Georgia  – Comparison of log truck crash rates, severity, and contributing factors before and after weight limit increases in two southern states.

4:00 – 4:20         Alex Ashish, graduate student, UMaine – Small-scale forest operations: Pre-commercial thinning using semi-mechanized harvesting system; Alex Ashish and Anil Raj Kizha

4:20 – 4:40         Ian Snider, Graduate student, Clemson and Patrick Hiesl, Assistant Professor, Clemson – Draft animal logging in Appalachia: The historical roots of Artisan Forestry. 

4:40 – 5:00          James Walker, graduate student, Auburn – Designing a felling head for a wheeled machine to recover downed timber; James Walker, Tom Gallagher, Tim McDonald and Dana Mitchell.

5:00 – 5:20         Hermudananto Hermudananto, graduate student, Florida – Logging practices in Indonesian natural forests.

5:20 – 8:00         Social and dinner – SFWS building, spouses welcome


Wednesday, August 4 – Field trip – departure location to be determined

8:00 am              The plan right now is still fluid but we expect to visit a sawmill, a chipmill and a pole mill.  Box lunch and hardhats will be provided.  For those that need to leave and catch a plane there will be options to break away and get to the airport.  Supper that evening is on your own.