Call for Posters
FPInnovations, Canada’s R&D institute for the forest products industry, is proud to host the first Forest Machine Technology Conference (FMTC), to be held at the Hyatt Regency Montreal Hotel, on April 21-23, 2015
, in collaboration with Unmanned Systems Canada, Forest Products Association of Canada, FORAC -Université Laval, L’École de Technologie Supérieure, Skogforsk and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. This groundbreaking conference will focus on advanced technologies for forest machines of the future.
Integrating advanced technology solutions such as robotics and automation is part the dynamic direction the Canadian forest products industry is taking to provide its labor force with a safer, more satisfying and efficient working environment. As the industry continues to transform its business practices, it is imperative to leverage ergonomically and environmentally enhanced productivity gains, which advanced technologies can possibly offer. The conference will feature prominent international keynote speakers, invited technical presentations, technology forum presentations, supplier kiosks, ideation working groups and scientific/technical poster displays.
To Present a Poster
The conference will feature a technical and scientific posters session, presenting innovative projects consistent with the conference theme (use of advanced technologies in off-road machines and heavy equipment, advanced operations planning systems, robotics, automation, telematics, remote operation, self-learning systems, haptic controls, advanced sensors, artificial vision, autonomous vehicles, etc.). Poster sessions will be held during the opening day cocktail and during conference breaks.
Authors are invited to submit an abstract (maximum 350 words, including title), which will be peer-reviewed. Acceptance of selected abstracts will be confirmed by Jan. 15th, 2015. In total, the scientific committee will invite 20 authors to present posters. Confirmation emails will be sent upon reception and acceptance of abstracts. Accepted peer-reviewed abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings.
Poster specifications (i.e., size, layout, etc) will be communicated once abstracts have been accepted. Deadline for abstract submission is December 12th, 2014. To submit an abstract, follow the instructions on the conference web site: