Registration Information
Registration Pricing:
The in-person registration fee is $165 and the streaming only fee is $95. The in-person registration fee include a one year membership in The Council on Forest Engineering. If you have difficulty with the registration webpage or have any questions regarding registration please contact WFCA.
Exhibitors & Sponsors
Exhibit space is available for your products and services at $475 which includes one in-person registration. Sponsorships are also available at $275 which include placing your logo on the on-site agenda given to all in-person attendees. Registration for the 2023 WR COFE Seminar is not included with the sponsor option. Use the red “Click here to register” button above for either of these options.
Lodging Information:
The seminar will be held at the Best Western Premier Boulder Falls Inn at 505 Mullins Dr, Lebanon, OR 97355. A block of reduced rate rooms (single) is available at $119 plus tax. Reservations can be made by calling 541-451-1000 and referencing Council on Forest Engineering. After 12/11/22, rooms will be subject to availability. Please make your lodging reservations early.
Continuing Education Credits:
Attendees will be eligible for the estimated credits listed below:
- 8 OPL-Reg Credits Oregon Professional Logger Program
- 9 Washington Master Loggers Program Credits
- 6.0 Cat 1 Contact Hours SAF Continuing Forestry Ed Credits
Start Date: January 12, 2023
Location: Lebanon, OR
8:00 Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar
8:15 Grapple Yarding
Grapple carriage productivity studies – Hunter Harrill, Cal Poly Humboldt
Tigercat Guyless 180 swing yarder case study – Tom Ireland, Cascade West Inc.
Live anchor system for skyline systems – Dan Clark, Weyerhaeuser
9:45 Sponsor Update
9:55 Break (Refreshments Provided)
10:25 Sponsor Update
10:35 Economics and Future Outlook
PNW economic outlook – Matt Bliss, Roseburg Resources
Versatility of CTL, operational and landowner perspectives – Chris Melcher, Melcher Logging and Joe Schaefer, Cascade Timber Consulting
Motor carrier regulations in Oregon – Jason Lawrence, Oregon Dept of Transportation
11:50 Sponsor Update
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Announcements: Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship
- Student scholarship winner introductions
- Ticket Raffle
1:30 Mechanized fire line construction
Mechanized fire line construction: Getting down in the ashes – Matthew Mattioda, Miller Timber Services
Contracting Fire Equipment: VIPR (Virtual Incident Procurement) – Jason Brandt, USDA Forest Service
2:30 Sponsor Update
2:45 Break (Refreshments Provided)
3:00 Transportation on public roads
Public road posting, permitting, and progress– Tiffany Netz, Douglas County
Motor carrier regulations in Oregon – Ray Bottenberg, Oregon Dept. of Transportation
4:00 Wrap Up and adjourn