DATE:  January 15, 2015

LOCATION:   Valley River Inn, Eugene, Oregon

WR.COFE is a regional chapter (western United States and British Columbia) of the COUNCIL ON FOREST ENGINEERING (COFE).  COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education in order to promote the best methods of managing and operating forests, both private and public.  COFE serves the forestry profession by disseminating technical information about forest engineering.  For more information, see the COFE website at:


(8 Hours AOL Professional Logger Credits)  (5.0 Cat 1 Contact Hours SAF Continuing Forestry Ed Credits)

Seminar Schedule


0815 – 0830    Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar;  Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & OSU FERM Department

SESSION 1: Harvesting Operations and Safety

0830-0900       WA Loggers Safety Initiative Program; Travis Naillon Washington Labor and Industries

0900 – 0935     Multi-stump Anchoring Systems; Brian Tuor  

0935 – 1010     Large-scale Restoration of Dry Forests in Oregon and Washington: Changing the Game; Bill Aney, USFS

1010 – 1020    Break – Pape’ Machinery update

1020 – 1050    BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

SESSION 2: Forest Roads

1050 – 1120    The use of rotary asphalt broom on aggregate roads – an alternative to grading (sometimes); Kevin Boston, OSU FERM Department. 

1120 – 1150    The use of Geogrids in Forestry Haul Roads and Log Yards; Michael Frey, Alliancegeo

1150 – 1200    Updates & Break Sponsorship — TBD

1200 – 1245    LUNCH (Provided)

1245 – 1320    ANNOUNCEMENTS, Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards, Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship – Loren Kellogg

SESSION 3: Technological Innovation In Forestry   

1320 – 1350    Planning Logging Operations Using Lidar and DEM Data;  Craig Spiers, Softree

1350 – 1420    Traverse PC and the P.L.S.S.; John Balcom, Traverse PC

1420 – 1430    Updates & Break Sponsorship — TBD

1430 – 1500    BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

1500 – 1530    Using Improved GNSS Receivers in Forestry; Jim Lahm, Elecdata

1530 – 1600    Skyline Payload and Tension Analysis with SkylineXL;  Steven Rheinberger, USFS retired

1600 – 1630    Lasers and telematics;  Eric Arritola – SITECH

1630 – 1645    Wrap-Up and Evaluation — Jeff Wimer

Registration and Fees

Registration is now handled through: Western Forestry and Conservation

The fee for this conference is:             COFE members: $110    and    Non-members: $125 (Includes one year membership)

Please use this secure link to register for the program

If you have difficulty with the registration webpage or any questions regarding registration please contact:

Western Forestry and Conservation
4033 SW Canyon Road, Portland, OR 97221
Phone: (503) 226-4562