January 17, 2019  Valley River Inn, Eugene, OregonO

regon Professional Logger and Washington Master Logger credits and Society of American Forester credits will be available at the meeting.


WR.COFE is a regional chapter (western United States and British Columbia) of the COUNCIL ON FOREST ENGINEERING (COFE). COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education in order to promote the best methods of managing and operating forests, both private and public. COFE serves the forestry profession by disseminating technical information about forest engineering. For more information, see the COFE website at:


8:15 Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar, Jeff Wimer, Chair, WR.COFE & Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

SESSION 1: Logging – Steep Slope

8:30 Tethered Cut-to-length in Western Oregon: A Multi-objective Case Study, Preston Green, Graduate Student, Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

9:00 Tethered logging in Southwest Oregon: A Research Perspective, Woody Chung, Forest Engineering, Resources and Management Dept., College of Forestry, Oregon State University

9:30 Tethered Logging in Southwest Oregon: A Landowner Perspective, Brennan Garrelts, Lone Rock

10:00 Peterson Cat update

10:10 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

10:40 Pape’ Machinery Update

10:50 Grapple Yarding Through the Years, Austin Weber, Weber Logging and Construction Inc.

SESSION 2: Workforce Issues

11:20 Planning the 2020 Workforce: Growing Our Forest Contract Capacity
Rex Storm, Associated Oregon Loggers

11:50 Triad Machinery Update

12:00 LUNCH (Provided)

12:40 ANNOUNCEMENTS: Ticket Raffle, OSU Student Scholarship Awards – Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship

13:10 Blount International Update

SESSION 3: New Technology

13:20 What Kind of Investment is Needed to Produce More Fire-Resistant Forests and Potentially, Reduced Wildfire Suppression Expenditure?, Jeremy Fried, USDA Forest Service

13:50 Modern Machinery Update

14:00 BREAK (Refreshments Provided)

14:20 Adapting Logging Equipment for Fire Fighting, Obie O’Brien, Forest engineering Operations, LLC

SESSION 4: Technological Innovation in Forestry

14:50 Computer Vision for Real-Time Tree Detection and Measurement, Woody Chung

SESSION 5: Roads

15:20 Rock Economics, Scott Hoffine, Roseburg

15:50 Road Construction Safety, Larry Fipps, Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration

16:20 Wrap-Up and Evaluation, Jeff Wimer