2019 COFE Annual Meeting – 6-10 October 2019 in Sopron (Hungary)

For the first time ever, the the 42nd annual COFE meeting will be held in EUROPE, together with the 52nd edition of the FORMEC symposium from 6-10 October 2019 in Sopron (Hungary).  The meeting is jointly organized by University of Sopron and BOKU University and will include an optional one day field excursion to AUSTROFOMA in Forchtenstein (Austria) will be organized on 9 October.  Official meeting lanugage is ENGLISH.  The 2020 Meeting will also be a joint COFE/FORMEC meeting, but this time held in Oregon, USA!


FORMEC is a very similar organization to COFE, just with a more European centric membership.  More information can be found on their website:   https://www.formec.org/

The field tour will include a visit across the border into Austria for the 2019 AUSTROFORMA machine exhibition.  Click Here a video of previous AUSTROFORMA Exhibits.