About This Event

The conference will be offered with both an in-person and streaming option. Please select which option you prefer when registering. A recording of the seminar will be available to all registered attendees for the remainder of 2024.

WR.COFE is a regional chapter (western United States and British Columbia) of the COUNCIL ON FOREST ENGINEERING (COFE). COFE is an international professional organization formed to foster the development of forest engineering in industry, government, and education in order to promote the best methods of managing and operating forests, both private and public. COFE serves the forestry profession by disseminating technical information about forest engineering. For more information, see the COFE website at cofe.org.

Registration Information

Registration Pricing:

The in-person registration fee is $180 and the streaming only fee is $95 if registered by January 1, 2024. If registered January 2 or later the in-person registration fee is $235 and streaming only fee is $125 The in-person registration fee include a one year membership in The Council on Forest Engineering. If you have difficulty with the registration webpage or have any questions regarding registration please contact WFCA using the form below.

Lodging Information:

The seminar will be held at the Best Western Premier Boulder Falls Inn at 505 Mullins Dr, Lebanon, OR 97355. A block of reduced rate rooms (single) is available at $124.99 plus tax through December 10, 2023. Reservations can be made by calling 541-451-1000 and referencing the Council on Forest Engineering 2024. Please make your lodging reservations early.


Start Date: January 11, 2024
Location: Lebanon, OR

 January 11, 2024

8:00      Introduction to WR.COFE & Seminar

8:15 Reducing the carbon footprint of forest harvesting 

  • Experience with class 8 battery electric trucks and renewable diesel  Keith Wilson, Titian Freight Systems
  • Converting Red Rock to gasification and hydrogen from forest waste  Christopher Efird 

9:45           Sponsor Update

9:55           Break (Refreshments Provided)

10:25         Sponsor Update

10:35 Current Topics in Forest Engineering

  • Emergency access: forest roads crossings  Anna Vesper and Alex Dunn
  • Mass Timber Bridges: Past, Present, and Future  Dan Tingley, Wood Research Development

11:50         Sponsor Update

12:00         LUNCH

12:30   Announcements: Jerry Sedlak Memorial Scholarship and the Ed and Sylvia Aulerich Scholarship

  • Student scholarship winner introductions
  • Ticket Raffle

1:30 Workforce recruitment, training, education

  • How to get high schools involved  Rex Lowther, FNRL
  • Training CTL operators and use of simulators  Brayden Anderson and Preston Green, Miller Timber

2:30        Sponsor Update

2:45        Break   (Refreshments Provided)

3:00 Oregon Forest Practice Rules

  • Roads Guidelines for new Forest Practices Rules   Greg Erb
  • Examples of interpretation and implementing Steep Slope Guidelines for new PFA Forest Practice Rules  – Camille Collett, ODF