COFE-FORMEC 2021 Joint Virtual Meeting
Forest Engineering Family – Growing Forward Together
September 27-30, 2021


This virtual meeting will bring together forest engineering researchers, industry experts, government agencies and academics from around the globe and provide an online platform for participants to present, share and discuss the latest forest engineering research and technology development.

Participants will have access to 160+ presentations from 30+ countries to watch on-demand and daily live networking and Q&A sessions

The 2021 joint meeting follows the historic first and in-person joint meeting held in Hungary/Austria in 2019. This year’s joint meeting will be held virtually, and prior to the third COFE/FORMEC joint meeting to be held in-person in Corvallis, Oregon, September 2022. The IUFRO All-Division 3 and Doctoral Conferences will be held in-person alongside the 2022 joint meeting.

The event theme, ‘Forest Engineering Family – Growing Forward Together’, will guide us in building One Big Family of Forest Engineering across continents and sectors. Together, we will learn from the legacy of previous generations, tackle present forest engineering challenges, map our future, and empower our next generations.

Conference Organizers: Oregon State University | BOKU Universitat fur Bodenkultur Wien   Sponsors:  IUFRO