Abstracts are due February 28, 2015
We are pleased to invite submission of abstracts for the 38th COFE Annual Meeting. The theme of the meeting is “Engineering Solutions for Non-Industrial Private Forest Operations”. Technical presentations addressing the following topics are sought, but presentations related to other applied forest engineering and operations topics might also be accepted.
- Forest operations as a mean to restore and improve forest health
- Biomass utilization for energy production
- Best management practices to reduce site disturbances and maintain stream water quality
- Transition to mechanized operations in hardwood forests
- Small-scale forest operations for non-industrial private landowners
Abstract guidelines
Please indicate if your abstract is intended for a full paper and oral presentation or for a poster. If you submitting your abstract for a full paper, please also indicate if you are a student and would like to paper to be considered for the Student Communication Award (http://cofe.org/index.php/awards/student-communication-award).
Please submit your abstracts to marco.contreras@uky.edu by 2/28/15
Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by March 2nd with full papers due by May 29th, 2015. Complete instructions for full papers will be made available before the due date. All accepted final papers will be a maximum of ten pages in length, will be accompanied by an oral presentation, distributed electronically to all conference participants at the annual meeting, and made available on-line to all COFE members from www.cofe.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Kentucky.