- Meeting in Moline, Illinois
Index of Papers
- Baker, Shawn; Beth Dodson: Dale Greene: Steve Hayes. Evaluation of an Online National Survey of Timber Harvesting Contractors
- Barrett, Scott; Chad Bolding; Michael Aust. Integrating Forestry Best Management Practices (BMP) Research into Extension Programs to Improve BMP Implementation
- Barron, Patrick; Michael Kilgore; Charles Blinn. Forestry Applications of Paired Bid Methodology
- Bell, Conor; Robert Keefe. FVS-OpCost: A New Forest Operations Cost Simulator Linked with FVS
- Benjamin, Jeffrey; Steven Bick; Wendy Farrand; René Germain. Characteristics of Successful and Innovative Logging Contractors in the Northeast US
- Bisson, Joel; Sang-Kyun Han; Han-Sup Han. Evaluating the System Logistics of a Biomass Recovery Operation in Northern California
- Bisson, Joel; Sang-Kyun Han; Han-Sup Han; Jianwei Zhang. Cost and Actual Amounts of Biomass Removal from Fuel Reduction Thinning Operations in a Mixed Conifer Forest
- Cardoso, Wellington; Dana Mitchell; Tom Gallagher; Daniel de Souza. Harvesting Short Rotation Woody Crops with a Shear
- Conrad, Joseph IV. Adapting to a Changing Landscape: How Successful Wisconsin Loggers Persist in an Era of Parcelization
- de Souza, Daniel; Tom Gallagher; Dana Mitchell; Mathew Smidt; Tim McDonald; Jeff Wright. Determining the Impact of Felling Method and Season of Year on Coppice Regeneration
- Dodson, Elizabeth; Dale Greene; Steve Hayes; Shawn Baker. Western Logging Costs: Developing a Basis for a Western Logging Cost Index
- Enache, Adrian; Karl Stampfer. Environmental Performance of Forest Roads due to Construction, Maintenance and Use – Case Study Analyses in Romanian Mountain Forests
- Gallagher, Tom; Daniel de Souza. Five Year Growth Measurements for a Eucalyptus Plantation
- Garland, John. The Limiting Factor in North American Forest Operations: A Skilled Workforce
- Germain, René; Steven Bick; Jeffrey Benjamin; Wendy Farrand; Matt Kelly. Silviculture Matters! But Not Without Loggers
- Gingras, Jean–Francois; Glen Légère; Vincent Roy. FPInnovations’ Industry-driven R&D Program in Forest Operations
- Greene, Dale; Erik Biang; Shawn Baker. Fuel Consumption Rates of Southern Timber Harvesting Equipment
- Hiesl, Patrick; Jeffrey Benjamin. Harvester Productivity and Cost in Small Diameter Timber Stands in Central Maine, USA
- Kamarudin, Norizah; Woodam Chung. Timber Harvest Area Planning in Malaysia Using a Network Algorithm
- Kelly, Matthew; René Germain. The Price of Freedom: Single-Operator Timber Harvests in the Northeast United States
- Kenney, Jonathan; Thomas Gallagher; Mathew Smidt; Dana Mitchell; Timothy McDonald. Factors that Affect Fuel Consumption in Logging Systems
- Kizha., Anil Raj; Han-Sup Han; Joel Bisson. Actual Amounts of Biomass Recovered from Whole-tree vs. Tree-length Harvest Operations
- Klepac, John; Dana Mitchell; Jason Thompson. The Effect of Pile Size on Moisture Content of Loblolly Pine while Field Drying
- Labelle, Eric; Michel Soucy; Gaetan Pelletier; André Cyr. Effect of Tree form on Cut-to-length Machine Productivity in a Hardwood Dominated Stand
- Lang, Albert; Chad Bolding; Michael Aust. Comparison of Three Methods to Estimate Forest Stream Crossing Erosion in the Virginia Piedmont
- McDonald, Timothy; John Fulton; Tom Gallagher; Mathew Smidt. Correlation Between Tree Size and Disc Saw Speed During Felling Using a Wheel-Mounted Feller-Buncher
- Mitchell, Dana; John Klepac. Harvesting Considerations for Ecosystem Restoration Projects
- Morris, Brian; Chad Bolding; Mike Aust. Sediment Contribution of Haul Road Culverts in Virginia
- Parrott, David; Marco Contreras. Comparison of Operator-designed and Computer-generated Skid-trail Networks
- Reep, Nicholas; Patrick Barron; Michael Kilgore; Charles Blinn. Analysis of Volume Removed from Sold on Appraised Volume Timber Sales in Minnesota
- Sherar, James; Gordon Keller; Johan Zweede. Forest Roads in the Amazon Basin
- Thompson, Jason; Dana Mitchell; John Klepac. Advantages and Disadvantages of Untrimmed Wood in the Supply Chain
- Xu, Yecheng; Mathew Smidt; Yaoqi Zhang. Value of Vocational Logging Training
- Yu, Aihua; Tom Gallagher; Chen Zhao. Harvesting and Transportation of Plantations of Southern China
- Zamora-Cristales, Rene; John Sessions. A Solution Procedure for Forest Harvest Residue Collection for Bioenergy