Dr. Bryce Stokes has made many professional contributions to the forest industry.  His many work activities have included:  industrial research, USFS research, USFS agency administration, education (affiliate professor, Auburn University), and consultant.  He is currently employed by CNJV, LLC, a Department of Energy (DOE) contractor.  He is a Senior Advisor to the Biomass Program of the DOE in Washington, D.C.  His principal duties included leading the forestry portion of the Billion Ton Report update (a national assessment of potential biomass supply), conducting analyses, and providing strategic and tactical advice.  Since arrival at the DOE, he has been involved with three major tasks with an interagency wood utilization working group: 1) developing a strategy and website for the utilization of biomass from wind disturbances; 2) development of a model business plan for a biomass collection yard and business; and 3) initiating and supporting a partnership effort of federal, private, professional, environmental, and other non-government organizations to develop a national roadmap for the sustainable development and use of wood for energy.  From 5/98-1/09 he worked for the USFS Research & Development (R&D) in Washington, D.C., where he served as the National Program Leader for forest operations research programs.  Other staffing and programmatic responsibilities included bioenergy and climate change.  From 1/02-11/02 he served as a Congressional Fellow for Representative John E. Peterson.  From 7/91-5/98 he worked for the USFS R&D as Project Leader where he developed and managed research programs, worked on budgeting and fiscal management, and supervised an engineering research unit.  From 10/80-7/91 he worked as a research engineer for the USFS.  From 6/78-10/80 he worked as a Harvesting Engineer for Weyerhaeuser Company.  His research has focused on harvesting systems improvements to reduce costs and negative environmental impacts.  Bryce has had many leadership positions while being a member of COFE including: Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer of the SR.COFE from 1986 to 1998, Member and Chair of the Policy and Awards Committees for many years, and Co-Chair of the 2009 COFE Annual Meeting.