Daniel Guimier’s significant and sustained contributions to the Forest Engineering profession are best described through his research, outreach, administration, and overall leadership with the Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada (FERIC) and later, FPInnovations. Following his education and training in both mechanical engineering and forestry, Mr. Guimier began his research career with the Western Division of FERIC. He led research projects in mechanical felling and cable yarding. Later he became a Project Leader/Design Engineer working with Aerolift as an on-site monitor for FERIC on the Cyclo-Crane project (powered heavy lift balloon), and he completed additional research on aerial harvesting systems. He also carried out research projects in the mid-1980’s with FERIC’s first inroads into the field of harvesting forest biomass for energy. Also in the mid-1980’s, Mr. Guimier shifted his career trajectory to management, first as assistant to the President of FERIC and later as the Manager of FERIC’s Eastern Division. He went on to become the VP of FERIC’s Eastern Division, and when FPInnovations was formed, he was the VP of FPInnovations – FERIC Division, with overall national leadership responsibilities for western and eastern operations.