- Abeels, Pierre F.J. General Implications of Mechanization in Soil Environmental Conditions.
- Barbour, R. James; McNeel, Joseph F.; & Ryland, David B. Management and Utilization of Mixed Species, Small-Diameter, Densely Stocked Stands.
- Baumgras, John E.; Sherar, James R.; & LeDoux, Chris B. Appalachian Hardwood Stand: A Case Study.
- Chodnicki, Michael J. Water Storage – A Cost-Effective Inventory Alternative for Southern Hardwood.
- Davis, Craig J. Northeastern Regional Report.
- de Hoop, C.F.; Pine, J.C.; Marx, B.D.; & Vellala, C. Cost of Major Injuries to Loggers in Louisiana.
- Dodd, Ken; McNeel, Joseph F.; & Schiess, Peter. Effect of Experience and Training in Thinning Operations.
- Fieber, William F. Composite Road Construction Method For Estimating Quantities and Costs.
- Flynn, K.; Lockaby, G.; Clawson, R.; Stokes, B.; Stanturf, J.; Rummer, R.; & Meadows, S. Ecological Responses of a Forested Floodplain to Harvesting.
- Garland, John J. Accreditation, Certification and Licensing of the Forestry Workforce.
- Greene, W. Dale & Jackson, Ben D. Factors Associated with Log Truck Accidents in Georgia, 1988-1993.
- Greene, W. Dale & Wang, Jingxin. Timber Sale Size and Economics of Logging Systems.
- Huyler, Neil K. & LeDoux, Chris B. Estimating the Cost of Applying Vermont Acceptable Management Practices to Logging on Moderate Slopes.
- Jackson, David & Atkinson, William. Report from the West.
- Jenkins, Hunter R. & Cubbage, Frederick W. A Capital Budgeting Analysis of Logging Road Costs in the Southern Appalachians.
- Keliher, K.P.; Taylor, S.E.; & Ritter, M.A. Performance of Portable Bridges for Skidder Traffic.
- Kellogg, Loren D. & Brown, Cameron G. Using a Single-Grip Harvester and Skyline Yarding System in a Forest Health Improvement Application.
- Kluender, R.; Lortz, D.; McCoy, W.; Stokes, B.; & Klepac, J. Harvesting Profitability Variability by Removal Intensity and Tree Size.
- Lambert, Michael B. Finding Economical Partial Harvesting Technology to Bolster Forest Health and Sustainable Production.
- Meade, Gregory S.; Shaffer, Robert M.; & Sloan, W.H. (Hank). The Effect of a Central Tire Inflation System on Log Truck Mud Transfer.
- Peters, Penn A.; Hassler, Curt C.; & Erickson, Michael D. Chain Saw Felling Hazards in Partial Cuts.
- Reisinger, Thomas W. Evaluating a Chain Saw Safety Training Program in Southwestern Virginia: Preliminary Results.
- Seixas, Fernando; McDonald, Timothy P.; Stokes, Bryce J.; & Raper, Randy L. Effect of Slash on Forwarder Soil Compaction.
- Sloan, Hank; LeDoux, Chris B.; McWilliams, William H.; & Worthington, Virginia E. Sustainability of Forest Products Production in the Jefferson National Forest Market Area.
- Smidt, Mathew; Blinn, Charles R.; & Dahlman, Rick. The Response of Aspen Suckering to Stand Conditions, Soil Conditions During Harvest, and Soil Disturbance Following Harvest.
- Stuart, William B. International Certification Systems for Forestry and Forest Operations.
- Sturos, John A. The Lakes States Regional Report.
- Thompson, J.D.; Taylor, S.E.; Yoo, K.H.; Brinker, R.W.; & Tufts, R.A. Water Quality Impacts from Different Forest Road Stream Crossings.
- Thompson, Michael A.; Sturos, John A.; Christopherson, Nels S.; & Sturos, Joseph B. Performance and Impacts of Ground Skidding and Forwarding from Designated Trails in an All-Age Northern Hardwood Stand.
- Watson, W.F. Southern COFE Regional Report.
- Watson, W.F.; Stokes, B.J.; Hartsough, B.R.; & Haglund, S.A. Implementing Health Improvement Cuttings in Conifer Stands in Southwestern Highlands.
- Wetzel, Michael R.; Lewis, Richard; & Scronce, Jim. APA Logger Training and Education for Sustainable Forestry.